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Tough competitors! Yeah, this fact is seriously undeniable. On one hand, there is an operating system that has more privileged perks but is costly while on the other hand there lies an operating system with features available with lagging induced in them but this one is cheap. Though, there exist a very broad difference line between the two but still the market they both have managed to capture is huge.
For instance, if you are an IPhone user then you actually have a personal assistant helping you out – Siri. You will also find a lot more dedicated features and applications at a single tap but still you really will feel the absence of Bluetooth if your interaction zone is android base. Talking about android, you can find almost every kind of application in its Play Store; this is a pro and a con – you can have every kind of app at your android but you can really not trust it or the very fact that this app is not stealing your private data or inducing some kind of virus in your android software. you really would have to admit that there are no less than 5000 versions of android mobile devices available but you cannot deny that no more than 500 of these devices are actually a good option to think about. With IPhone, this comes really easy; you have few phones but their hardware and software has no competition. Coming towards a normal pace; an average user will find all his/her requirements in either of them though if your use is a bit dedicated, then you really have to use among the market you are residing in and the functions for which you will be using it.
So, the main subject under discussion here will be android and iOS, though we won’t be drawing any lines for comparison but providing general information about the various application available on both the stores or even what sort of application you should you for a particular purpose. The general category will be social media but there will be loads of stuff for other utilities, tools and major entertainment applications.
The readers will be able to find the best applications they need to have in their smartphones for both the android and iOS versions. The reviews and feedback for all the mentioned applications will also be available with the listings created. All the respective features of the applications and its version by version analysis if required will also be present here. The must-have lists for your both devices with a clear-cut explanation of rights and privileges you will be giving to the application and also the access the application will want, etc. In other words, through these kind of analytical information, you will be able to find out if the particular application can induce some kind of virus in your phone or not. Also, the uses it will provide you or the fact that installation of particular application will fulfil your requirement or not. So, you need to regularly check us out for latest material published here.

Tough competitors! Yeah, this fact is seriously undeniable. On one hand, there is an operating system that has more privileged perks but is costly while on the other hand there lies an operating system with features available with lagging induced in them but this one is cheap.
Categories: Others